What are the similarities between sex and candies?

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        • What are the similarities between sex and candies?

          Man is a body and soul.

          Today, attention is concentrated mainly on the body. And this is a problem.

          In 80% of people who complain about the quality of sexual life, in fact, problems in relationships

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          There are such problems because people have not learnt to communicate properly. The first reason is the lack of good communication between children and parents who do not know at what age they should start talking about sex and they do it very often too late. The second is the lack of appropriate schooling.

          We are all different and have different so called sexual constitution – a natural potential sexual activity, so the lack of good communication causes even more misunderstanding and misunderstanding of each other.

          The first sexual debut is very important for the girl

          Despite the fact that girls are six times mentally stronger than boys, the sexual debut partly forms their further perception of themselves, men and sexual relationships. The unhappy first sexual experience is the cause of a large number of fears and then it is very difficult to get rid of them. There is often an obsession for non-existent problems.

          It is also important to remember that our body has incredible memory and every sexual intercourse leaves its mark.

          A condom does not protect against AIDS

          Functions of sex: family continuity, pleasure and … communication

          This is a communication of body. It is not worth hurrying up with it, because close verbal communication must have been formed before, the result of which is psycho-emotional pleasure.

          So first of all you need to know yourself well. Further – to know as much as possible the psychological nature of the person you like, her deep emotional moments.

          Having done this, you will see that the bed stops, in fact, to take a central place in your relationship.

          Sex is a method of stress relief. This is a myth!

          If a person is absorbed in his “bodily” feelings, then it is difficult for him to realize his own spiritual feelings. And moreover – somehow correct them.

          Sexual energy is one of the strongest, and in order to use it best, one must learn how to transform it properly: in sports, art, spiritual development. In this way you can achieve incredible results.

          Doctor’s advice

          A healthy lifestyle is a pledge of full sexual health in a happy marriage. The basis of this health is a few simple but at the same time effective habits that will help you in the future.

          So, first of all, it’s a daily routine

          Our brain relaxes, in fact, only two hours a day – from 22:00 to 24:00. All the rest of the time – it works. Man is created in such a way that his biological clock completely coincides with the clock of nature. Working at night, sitting at the computer and lack of sleep are the causes of most hormonal failures. Therefore, it’s better to check your daily routine now.

          Secondly – food

          Many people are talking about it and most people who are checking their health know this. But it is worth repeating: heavy food (meat, fish, eggs) should not be consumed after 15:00. We are what we eat. Remember also about it.

          The most important thing is prayer

          For a healthy spiritual development, an adult should pray continuously for at least an hour each day. This is what I say to you as a doctor :) But this must be conscious and deep prayer. The morning prayer is the best when everyone is still asleep. Try to pray for some time and you will see the results.

          Water, sport, fresh air

          It is the basis of harmonious human health. These factors affect most of the processes in our body. Including sexual health.

          We are all different: someone likes horse riding, and somebody likes static exercises. But sport must definitely be in your life.

          Natural method of fertility recognition

          God created a man. If He had wanted women to be fertile constantly, He would have done it very easily.

          Or another example: imagine delicious candies. If you eat them every day for some time, they will not be such for you anymore. This will be the usual food and you will get bored of it.

          You can find a lot of information about this method. It consists in constant observation of a certain number of biological indicators of a woman and determination of, on the basis of their data, favorable and unfavorable days for the conception of a child.

          I just want to point out that the most effective way to define such days is the communication that we have talked about at the beginning. This communication incredibly unites a couple.


          On November 10 in Lviv, a youth meeting was held on the subject of “Tea with God: sex before marriage. The View of the Doctor “, organized by the “Ukrainian Youth for Christ”.

          Guest – urologist-sexologist Khrystyna Komisar-Tsar

          Iryna Vladymir


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