Is There Any Need to Attend Liturgy: 5 Reasons Pro and Contra

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        • Is There Any Need to Attend Liturgy: 5 Reasons Pro and Contra

          The liberal fundament of the contemporary society regardless culture and tradition dictate the tendency for “tolerance” and “populism,” when everyone will finally find the hole for “relevant truths” for themselves. Virtual reality, technical progress, the super-ego, the era of comfort… Is there any place for a church, the place of prayer in the unity of people or do the churches gradually become anachronically marginalized? There are few arguments pro and contra below.

          Читай українською: Чи є потреба відвідувати храм: 5 аргументів за і проти

          The most often, those who attend liturgy only on the “biggest religious feasts” give clear arguments to support their position: there is the same benefit of praying at home as at the church. Of course, there is, nevertheless, a private prayer is not a mutual prayer, when everyone praying for their needs is praying for needs of one another in the same time. The Liturgy, during which the Lord gives Himself as a sacrifice for us every time, is not possible at home: He is waiting at the church.

          Quite often, the reason of the “church apathy” is that the liturgy is “long, boring, and incomprehensible.” Nevertheless, it is worth to think whether anyone of us was driving, operating a mechanism or any other device without being previously trained also spending “long and boring” hours studying? Why is it boring at the church? Maybe, it is necessary to become religiously educated? We are given the permit to take part in the church life, when we are being baptized; we are taught to catechesis during preparation to take the Sacrament of Eucharist; and what about the next step? It is necessary to eager to learn, to be interested in the symbolism of the rite: what this or that gesture of the priest means, what is the history behind it, what is its role to participate completely in the church services. Such a knowledge not only expands horizons but also makes our understanding of the participating of every believer in the processes that take place in the church much deeper.

          “I cannot concentrate on the prayer therefore, rather than to think about dumplings I will not attend liturgy at all.” That is one more reason contra. Human brain has a quality to switch quickly to different issues indeed therefore, we are very often inattentive, absent-minded nevertheless, it does not mean that we are doomed – God hears our prayers, even the most imperfect. God is present where people are gathered to glorify Him; His invisible grace of the Holy Spirit blesses us even when we do not notice that.

          Another argument of the “sleepy Christianity” is the aspect of assessment, namely, the most pious go to Church every Sunday, nevertheless, they live as they want (sinfully), or the priest is not good enough to teach me. Here we have the issue of moral health – first of all, who has the right to judge? We all are the children of God and people sinful by our nature. Everyone does mistakes and only God can judge. The church is a place for unity and love and not for stereotypes, looking around, and judgment.

          “I do not have any desire to listen to boring preaching on how I should live.” There are such points of view as well. Truth to be said, everyone can get answers to their questions in the Church as nowhere else. Any critical address of a priest or of any spiritual leader has a purpose to help and to teach even if it is too acute or seems to be subjective – maybe, God wants to speak out to us through that person. There is no coincidences for God’s Providence.

          Notwithstanding the arguments you would prefer, it is necessary to remember that God is always present in the church and always waits.

          By Tetyana Trachuk

          Photo above: allamazingpost


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