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          We all have time for preparations for every big feast: to put our homes in order, to compose a holiday menu, and to plan holiday visits. But, unfortunately, here often our preparations are over. Should one add to the list such things as: «cleaning the floor of the Soul», «airing out the Soul», «decorating the Heart with good deeds» and remembering confession before Christmas?

          Obviously, at least once a year, the Church recommends that every Christian go to confession. However, the one who takes care of the purity of one’s heart should do it more often.

          Advent offers an opportunity to sum up the whole year and entire spiritual life, to recollect what went wrong, and what one should be grateful for. It is of no use to carry all burdensome things further. In confession, everyone can confide to God their problems.

          Читай українською: Чому не варто пропустити сповіді перед Різдвом?

          One can find many reasons for postponing confession. The main one of them, however, is usually fear. But what are we afraid of?

          Christ’s birth, for a believer, is the feast of unconditional joy and trust. God entrusts his Son to people. Jesus comes to the world as a small, defenseless child to open the doors of eternal life to us. God has entrusted to man what He has of the most precious. Is there, then, any reason not to trust Him?

          «I have so many sins that it’s difficult to count them.» So what are you waiting for, then? Do you want to have a mega-collection of them? God is waiting with open arms.

          While preparing for Christmas, it is worth it to make a small plan and find in it the place for confession; the best option is if this point will be put at first place. When a man is united with God, all his troubles become pleasant.

          One is not recommended to postpone Christmas confession till Easter. «Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest». I will give you rest, but I will not defame, deride, or deprecate you!

          For the birth of God’s child, the most important thing is to prepare the crib of our heart, so that Baby Jesus could feel comfortable there.

          AuthorTetiana Trachuk

          Photo: huffingtonpost

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