Where does a Christian take money to the church?

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          Today, we are asking the financial trainer Oleksandra Grudzewich how to form a budget for donations.

          The very wording of the question “where to take money to the church” adjusts to the stereotype that Christians are people who do not have money. However, this is not the case, because one of the undisputed sources of satisfaction for a Christian is the work which has to be paid.

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          Therefore, a donation is a part of income and it should be formed according to certain rules. This is charity. What I recommend: to put aside 10 % of all income to charity at once. Further – where to send these funds is the individual question: the church, the communities, the church service, support someone’s project, for treatment, etc.

          For example, if you have got 1000 UAH – put aside 100 UAH (10%) immediately to charity. These funds can be sent for donations at once. However, it is possible to divide them for a certain time when other incomes are not foreseen.

          It is also possible that these funds can be sent for other purposes, except church services, for example, someone asked you to support a music school in a village. Why not? Music is an art, a development. And in this case, your donation is a significant contribution to the spiritual development of children.

          The situation described above is when you don’t need anything: you do not give too much. While you are at the “budget increases” stage, that is, you are looking for ways to expand your income, I do not recommend you giving more than 10%. Moreover, if you have debts, it is possible to give a smaller part of your income to charity. Because your primary task is to pay off debts.

          Another thing is that if income is rising: all needs are satisfied, you eat and rest well and you have the funds that you can give to charity, then you should increase the amount of money to charity. There are many opportunities for this in Ukraine.

          So, do not forget to put aside 10% from each of your income in order to show your gratitude to God for what you have. And you do not have any questions and problems where to take money to the church for donations.

          Author: Oleksandra Grudzewich

          Tetyana Trachuk was speaking


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