Money is not the only thing we can help with

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        • Money is not the only thing we can help with

          About the willingness to help others, to become for people a person who gives hope and inspires confidence, about the traditions of philanthropy and what it brings, recently was shared by the director of the Foundation for the spiritual revival of the Lviv Archeparchy Father Taras Mylian within the program “Open Church. Dialogues” on” Live TV “.

          – Ukrainians want to do good! And even it is more important that they want to know how good works. It’s nice that many young people practice charity, trying to “touch” those whom they are helping. That is, do not just give something material, but make sure it benefits. That is, they help in a responsible manner, “said Taras Mylian, director of the Foundation for the spiritual revival of the Lviv Archeparchy. – There are many people who help with money, material goods, in such a way to share with others by what they have received from Lord. In general, for many, the lifestyle has already been shared with others. And this is happening constantly, not only on St. Nicholas Day.


          Although the priest advises you to think about your help. After all, there is always a lot of needs. It is important to be able to distinguish between help that will benefit and one that which will be mercantilely used. He says that before giving alms on the road, think whether it will benefit.

          – I always pray to Holy Virgin to take care of people in distress, because this is the first and most important thing that I can do. I remember, in the childhood in the house where I lived, we all knew one another, people gave time to communicate. Now, unfortunately, we are losing it. Although time itself is the greatest gift we can give because it is our life. In the end, all we have is given us by God. How can I thank for this? Help people in need. Even in the Scriptures, it is said about a tithing. I decided for myself that I will give a tenth part for good deeds, and not spend for my own needs. It really brings a lot of joy.

          Father Taras stressed that in charity it is important to give a person not a “fish”, but a “fishing rod”. We have to take care of people constantly, providing them with a certain craft, giving them the power to believe in themselves. Pope Francis says that when we help someone, “we build a house in the sky”.

          – Ukrainians are very generous and the experience of the Foundation for spiritual revival confirms this. For five years, we have not received any grants from foreign grant organizations. All that we do is at the expense of Ukrainians from all over the world! The tradition of patronage should be educated firstly by parents. We must rely on ourselves and unite in order to strengthen the state together. We were not raised to charity. People in the world earn millions and give it to charity, leaving themselves for a decent life. Now we have a lot of people who understand that they have to invest in education, in upbringing  –  in that it will give good fruits, – added the priest to the end of the conversation.

          Prepared by Natalia Pavlyshyn

          Photo from Internet sources



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