Does not God see that it hurts me?

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        • Does not God see that it hurts me?

          Why has this happened to me? Where was my God when I was so hurt? How did He allow this? Testing us, our faith, our readiness to remain Christians not only when we are happy when we are comfortable but at a time when our world is broken into pieces.

          “Does not God see that it hurts me?” – on February 23 we discussed on this theme with the members of the “Ukrainian Youth – Christ” community. Tetiana Trachuk, the editor of the youth Christian portal “DyvenSvit”, spoke about the fall of the faith and its rise.

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          This topic has become a great opportunity to analyze your behaviour, experiences, your faith and, to a certain extent, the awareness of what needs to be changed. And the fasting time is favourable for a constructive “reincarnation” period. After all, testing our Christian values is everywhere. Of course, there are especially critical moments of bitter loss, frustration, when we are extremely painful. At such moments it is important for us to find something or someone who would help to understand why this happened, why it was I?

          They say nothing is accidental, everything starts and ends on time. The conversation at UMH’s home made it possible to once again realize that in any difficult situation, the main thing to remember is that God has a plan for us. We, like our loved ones, are important to Him. And in times of pain, disappointments, He becomes even closer to us. Only we have to recognize His presence in our lives. And each of us, through our faith, can testify this with very simple things: to support those who need it, to help to see the Lord’s love, to be patient to the weaknesses of our neighbours, to give a good word every day.

          Natalia Pavlyshyn


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