Національне зібрання української католицької молоді

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        • Національне зібрання української католицької молоді

          Good Evening my Brothers and Sisters In Christ!

          With the blessing and support of the Rev. Bishop Bryan Bayda, the Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada is excited to be hosting Unity 2021. 

          Unity is a gathering for young adults (18 – 35 years of age) of our church “who seek to further understand their Catholic Faith, to embrace it more fully and to celebrate it more profoundly. With the grace of God, this is accomplished by means of prayer, education and fellowship.”  

          Unity 2021 is scheduled to take place Friday August 6 – Saturday August 7, 2021.   

          The theme of Unity 2021 is “Stillness In The Chaos” “Be still and know that I am God” Psalm 46:10 will be our motto for the weekend. This past year has been incredibly difficult for so many, and this topic is more important than ever. We will have sessions on:

          • Mental health, 
          • Having a relationship with God, 
          • What it means to be Ukrainian Catholic, 
          • The Divine Liturgy,
          • Theology of the body and dating, 
          • Wellness of Body, Mind and Spirit,
          • Evangelism and the leadership of Jesus Christ, and
          • Catholicism and non-traditional families.

          Unity 2021 will be offered ONLINE, and all sessions will be held over Zoom.  There is NO COST to attend this event.

          Attached are the flyers for Unity 2021 in both English and Ukrainian. I have included them in PDF and JPEG formats. Please post the flyers on your social media pages, parish websites and include them in the parish bulletins.  Please post the registration link along with the flyers. http://bit.ly/3cnsRKT

          I encourage you to invite the young adult in your life to attend this enriching event. 

          I have also attached the information package for Unity 2021. If anyone has questions about Unity 2021, please share this document with them. 

          More information about this event can be found here: https://unity2021.mailchimpsites.com

          Registration is NOW OPEN. Participants can register by going to this link http://bit.ly/3cnsRKT

          If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me at [email protected]

          We ask that you pray for the planning of Unity 2021, so that it can be a successful event and faith enriching for all who attend. 

          Thank you again for your continued support of the Ukrainian Catholic young adults.  

          God Bless,

          Larissa Samborsky 

          Chair of Unity 2020

          Eparchy of Toronto and Eastern Canada 

          [email protected]

          Читай також

        • Патріарша комісія УГКЦ у справах молоді анонсує програму Ювілею Молоді, що проходитиме в Римі
        • Глава УГКЦ розповів очільниці Офісу Віри адміністрації Трампа про переслідування християн на окупованих територіях
        • Il Papa dialoga con i giovani ucraini: siate patrioti. La guerra uccide, ma perdonate sempre
          • Оціни
