Having a Business, a Car, an Apartment , and… Being Lonely

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        • Having a Business, a Car, an Apartment , and… Being Lonely

          How to find happiness?

          Act 1. A large nice church. The confessional booth is approached by a young self-confident woman.

          Woman: Father… I am a successful person. I have a car, an apartment, and my own business. And I am already 30!

          Priest: So what?

          Woman: Father, don’t laugh at me. I am already 30, but still single. Where is my destiny? What shall I do?

          Priest: Pray! Pray the Novena of Divine Mercy for 9 months.

          Woman: All right… Thank you, father.


          Act 2. 5 months have passed. The same church.

          Woman: Father! You know, I am ready to do everything, to sell everything, to give to the poor, and to go to the monastery…

          Father: Don’t be hasty, my child. If it is your path, you will not avoid it. Finish praying what you have decided.

          Woman: All right… Thank you, father.

          Act 3. 4 more months have passed.

          Woman: Father, I have already finished praying the Novena, and I have made the decision to put my life into God’s hands. Let Him direct it as He wishes…

          After confession, the woman goes to pray at the Icon of Divine Mercy. The same confessional is approached by a young self-confident man.

          Man: Father, I have finished praying the Novena today…

          Priest: Will you please tell me what was your intention for it?

          Man: You know, father, I am 32…I own a business, a car, an apartment, a dog…but…I am single. I prayed for 9 months, but what am I to do?

          Priest: (to himself) I’ve already heard this somewhere…

          Priest: (to the Man) Just pray. God is sure to know what to prepare for you…

          Man: All right…Thank you, father.

          The man goes to pray before the Icon of Divine Mercy and kneels next to the woman…

          Priest: (watching them) O God, if you have led them here, do something! After all, if you have done so much for them so far. You know what to do further…

          The woman, going out of the church, decides to come back and offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the happy completion of the Novena and for the priest’s health. At the same time, the young man is writing down his own intentions for the Liturgy, which are the same…

          Passing by them an old lady says:

          Old Lady: Оh, what a nice young couple!

          The woman, looking around to the right and to the left, sees no other young people in the church…The man goes out of the church; the woman also goes out, sometime later, and realizes that someone is waiting for her on the stairs…

          Act 4. Some days have passed. The church. Two people approach the priest…


          P.S. The story was heard at the youth meeting «How to Build A Happy Relationship?» held on February 27 in the Holy Spirit Lviv Spiritual Seminary and organized by the Lviv organization «Ukrainian Youth for Christ». The story is based on real events. Now, the two characters have a happy family and two children.

          Illustration:  Christian Schloe,  mymodernmet.com


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