10 Reasons to Say “Yes” to God

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        • 10 Reasons to Say “Yes” to God

          World Youth Days gathered thousands of young people so that they were able to pray in the atmosphere of the unforgettable unity – everyone in their own way to tell God about the most precious, to entrust Him with the most important being as one heart. What is the motivation for them? What is the motivation for every one of us to gather today to say “yes” to God?

          God does not demand anything from us; His mercy lets us act in our own way every minute.

          God gives an endless Love as a gift; this Love never leaves us, even in the moments of our worst falls.

          God does not judge, but He waits to accept us the way we are, to comfort us and take our burden away through the Confession.

          God simply gives us the most precious as a gift – Flash and Blood of His Son.

          We can be together in the community in national, mental, physical diversity, when we pray together.

          God knows to wait – He looks patiently at our ramblings rejoicing because of any conversion of our heart.

          God gives lessons in fortitude – any sufferings and experience that happen because of God’s will change us and make us stronger.

          God knows the best what we need – He knows as the Creator every, even the least, need of the human heart and is able to make it real.

          God strives for our happiness the most – God has created every person in Love and for Love, therefore, for absolute happiness.

          God is merciful; His palms are always full of unbelievable and inapprehensible for human mind power, the power that can fill everyone.

          Читай українською    10 причин сказати Богові: “так”



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