Morning habits which will make your day more productive: starting from now

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        • Morning habits which will make your day more productive: starting from now

          The summer is over, and September 1st, when all the schools and universities get filled with joyful noise, motivates us to get disciplined and start a new way toward new accomplishments. Every day starts in the morning, the vigor of which determines the success of the whole day. How to plan your morning the most effectively? Read further!

          The first minute: pray in silence

          Open your eyes and meet the new day, collect your thoughts in the silence of your heart, and thank God that you have this day with thousands of opportunities to change, correct, and accomplish everything. God, whom you invited into your day, will organize, in a miraculous way, the whole day.

          The second minute: drink a glass of water

          I know that you find it very attractive to doze a little bit more, but you should resist it (even if it is for a few minutes). The difference between resetting the alarm clock on your phone and drinking a glass of water when your get up is that, in the first case, you will have a slow and chaotic day and, in the second case, your day will be productive.

          Pour water into a glass in the evening, and place it on the night table so you don’t need to get up from bed. Drink it as fast as possible. Let the elixir of life fill you and you will feel your energy level rise up.

          The third minute: brush your teeth

          The next thing for you to do is to brush your teeth. What for? Because your mouth will become fresh and you have to do it anyway. As we are trying to save our time, don’t be ashamed to use the toilet while you are in the bathroom. One saved minute a day equals 6 additional hours a year. It’s not bad, right?

          The fourth minute: get dressed

          It’s excellent. You got up and you are moving. Don’t go back to bed in spite of nothing. Since you had your shower before going to bed, in the morning, you will have to wash your face only. As for clothing, prepare them in the evening as well. After you get dressed, you will have no chances to go back under the blanket.

          The fifth minute: cheer yourself up

          Look into a mirror or turn on your phone’s camera — it is time for an encouraging message. You receive what you expect to; therefore, putting into words what you want to receive within the day will help you to achieve your goal. Tell yourself which goal you desire to achieve, how you are going to do it, and let this motivate you. You should also motivate yourself by bringing to mind what achieving your goal will mean for you, how it will help you to obtain a better life, and why you believe in your goal.

          The sixth minute: visualize your day

          Imagine how you are going to do something. Irrespective of the tasks you have set before you, accomplish them with joy, and enjoy your activity in order that you will do the same later on. Besides, there’s a possibility you will really do what you imagine.

          The seventh minute: do some physical exercises

          Do you go to the gym? If so, it’s cool.

          I know that, after a long working day, it is hard to also go to the gym. Therefore, after work, instead of doing sports, you will rather go to a cafeteria and order some fried potatoes. And you know what? You can, instead, do push-ups after waking up and before going to work. The longer your day is, the less chances you will have to do physical exercises. But you can always do them in the morning.

          The eighth minute: read a page from a book

          Confucius said: “You can’t open a book without learning something”. Do you think he was wrong? So do I. The thing is that Confucius didn’t specify how much, where in a book, and what exactly you have to read. It doesn’t matter. Just open some book and read a random page. If you learn one new fact each day, you will go up to a higher level.

          The ninth minute: make a note about how you feel

          I call it the “One Sentence Journal”. You just write the answer to the question: “How do I feel now?” It will show you whether you are ready for the day; if not, you can be prepared for it. This journal can be filled with various sentences, but it really works.

          The tenth minute: determine the top priority goals for the day

          After you have recorded how you feel, also make note of the 3 most important things to do within the day, and keep these notes on your person. Ask yourself: “What are the three things that merit the most of my attention today?” I know that it is difficult since, sometimes, there appear to be many more important concerns, but the point is to determine priorities.

          Many matters are pressing, but only some of them are important. This last minute has a decisive meaning since making priorities is probably the most significant factor in determining success. So, these 10 minutes are all that is necessary. 10 minutes every day for being successful sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it?!

          Many successful people accomplish more morning tasks, but you can also increase them in time. Now, however, the most important thing is to get started. Make your tomorrow the first day of your life when you became a successful person.

          And if someone asks you why you don’t still do morning tasks, you will be able to respond “I do, as all successful people”.

          So ready, steady, go!

          Based on: mizky

          Photo: static

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        • Prayer. No harm with good intentions
        • A Patriotic Ecological Pilgrimage in the Carpathian Mountains
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