In the framework of the 23rd Publishers Forum, held in Lviv on September 12-18, there was a separate section dedicated to journeys: “Travelling.Forum”.
Travelling.Forum has been jointly created by the Publishers Forum, Lviv Media Forum and “Ukraїner”, a media project of which the team conducts anthropological and ethnographic expeditions around Ukraine. According to its organizers, this event is about those who «have travelled all over the globe or just parts of it» and those who «write, photograph and inspire». The location of Travelling.Forum was the Kopernik movie theatre, and it lasted from September 15-18. All the speeches, within the context of this event, were presented in the format of multimedia lectures.
Each of the speakers presented very wide-ranging topics. For instance, the team from the travelling radio show, «Skovoroda,» described how the ideas for projects appear, the locations they use for their show (whether in a cozy place beneath the shadow of trees or on the roof of a multi-storied building), who they invited to their programs and which countries their radio program visited. The creators of «Skovoroda» work to establish their circle of experts and also work for «food, coffee and tea». It was «Skovoroda» radio which opened this year’s Travelling.Forum.
Tomasz Prinz, from Prague, was also present to present his own project called «Humans of Prague». The website is a Czech analog of the very popular project, «Humans of New York». «Humans of Prague» consists of photos of passers-by, inhabitants or guests of Prague. Prinz explained how he started his project, his years of school and when he began photographing people, with their permission. He cannot imagine how he could start a conversation with a common passer-by without his camera. Beginning with a question about whether or not he could take their photo, Prinz and the passer-by begin to have a conversation.
Photo from the website humansofprague
Sometimes, there can just be a short story, or he can talk with someone for hours. Prinz spoke about pensioners who have not had a long conversation with anyone, for a long time, before meeting the journalist; a woman who had been diagnosed with cancer and who shared this with Tomasz; tourists and foreigners who live in Prague and are learning the Czech language. Among these are many other stories.
There were also some travelling stories. Denys Kutsevalov spoke about living and working in Singapore and how not to be bored to death in this «city of the future». The emphasis was on how to find a job in Singapore and the best spots to fly to for «weekend tours». His story included everything from caves, mountains, cities and even albino bulls.
It is interesting to note that there were many events dedicated to Asia and Africa at Travelling.Forum. But there were speeches about travelling throughout the whole world. Ihor Shaverskyi and Olena Petrosiuk spoke about their round-the-world trip. This couple of financiers one day decided to give up everything, quit their job and go for a round-the-world trip. At first, they didn’t have money and lived in decrepit houses in Indonesia. But, later, their story became more vivid and pictorial. One of the most memorable deeds was that, one day, the travellers decided that they should climb up to Everest Base Camp. People usually prepare for months to take this journey, but Ihor and Olena accepted the task spontaneously. The couple related that all their friends regarded this as a crazy idea, and they felt its difficulty. Even their guide was shocked since he thought that the travellers bought their tickets for next year. As a result, Olena got snow blindness for three days. But it was not the only crazy venture for this couple. They conquered Mount Kilimanjaro, speaking about how the climb is so hard that people who manage to reach the summit cry so hard that they forget to make photographs.
There were also stories about the so-called «pre-digital» marches. We are talking about Andriy Antonovskyi, who, in the 1990’s, managed to illegally cross the border between Poland and Germany, get caught by German policemen on a train without a ticket and with prohibited articles and cross into England from France in a truck trailer.
Also at Travelling.Forum, there were presentations about books and the showing of a film about Taras Prokhas’ko. One of the presented books was «Freaks of Europe» by Bandy Sholtes, who told various interesting and funny stories about oddities that he met in different places around Europe. For instance, he told about a small town in France where the main business is wine. On a certain day of the year, people come from all over Europe, stay on a railway station and wait for «a farmer» to hire them for work. Sometimes, they can wait for a whole week.
Travelling.Forum was a very nice and interesting section within this year’s Publishers Forum. Here, everyone could find what is of their interest and, above all, get inspiration for new journeys and adventures.
Yaryna Kendzior, Stepan Kucher
Photo: Diana Gorban’