On September 23-24, in the UGCC Patriarchal Center in Lviv, the 2nd Forum of Young Christian Journalists was held. During the Forum, training was directed by the editor-in-chief of the «CREDO» periodical, Fr. Mykola Myshovskyi
We live in an information age – we have different publications, including religious ones. But what should we do in order to write high-quality texts? Here are some secrets of successful journalism:
- Remember that the title should include the most interesting idea.The title should stir curiosity in a reader so that he will read your report, article or interview.
- Don’t forget the facts because of oversaturating a text with adjectives. When you are writing a news item or report, it is important to read facts, not emotions.
- Read books a lot.If you enrich yourself spiritually and intellectually, you grow professionally.
- Persuade the interviewed person that you are not an enemy. If you want to make an excellent interview, it is important that the person trusts you and is willing to be open.
- Take into account the competition. It is important to analyze other publications if you wish to grow professionally and have your own audience.
- Remember that religious themes are important. You won’t ask anyone to write about sporting events, so the same should be in religious journalism.
- A good journalist is one who is not liked by everyone. A good reporter is capable of indicating problems and raising important issues. It is clear that someone will not like it.
Iryna Kysylevych
Photo: Olena Kulygina
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