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          Have you ever thought that among thousands of words there are such which one cannot dispense with in everyday life? And these are not the names of some ordinary objects or actions. No, these are the words which build us and our relationship with the world. We suggest you some important words which can change our life for better.

          Читай українською: 5 НЕЗАМІННИХ СЛІВ НА ЩОДЕНЬ

          Thank you. Obviously, the day during which you will never say this word, will not be definitely lost, however how much one can gain with such a simple combination of sounds. When we thank someone, we express our love, respect, and esteem of this person. How more effectively it works if we thank not only for good deeds but also for something negative, i.e., insult or anger. Try to apply it: for instance, thank to someone who in public transport has pushed you or made some unfounded reproof, etc. the results of such an experiment will turn out interesting. Our “thank you” can build bridges over the most dangerous abysses. Let us not forget it!

          SorryWe are all more or less selfish. But the word “sorry” is a kind of indicator of the selfishness which safeguards our humanity. How often are we able to acknowledge our mistakes? But our life really depends on this. Since it is human to make mistakes but not to recognize one’s mistakes and not to correct them is not a very good path. In order to learn to ask for forgiveness more often than it is necessary, one should learn to forgive oneself. Today I forgive myself all my faults and imperfections and I learn to perceive myself as I am, thus it is easier for me to recognize my “errors”, it is easier for me to say to others: “Forgive me, my friend, I was wrong here”.

          I love youAnd not only mum, dad, our beloved ones, relatives, and acquaintances. Every morning just say this word first to God in prayer. “I love you, God” – I accept all this life with its often absurd events since I believe that you know what is better. I love myself since I am your image and your likeness. If one starts his or her day in this way, then everything gets into place in an incredible way. For is there anything impossible for the word “love”?

          I canThe “magic” power of this word has been the subject of many bestsellers. But in reality the magic is in every word, or rather not magic but God’s gift for a man. Since only the man was endowed by God with the language as a specific instrument: Adam was charged with giving names to the animals in order to “rule” over them. “I can” is the word for making the mechanism of spiritual power to work within each of us. Thanks to this word the most incredible deeds in the history were made. Since the moment “I can” – God and the world start believing in me. Isn’t it worth repeating to oneself every day?

          I believeI believe in God’s power, I believe in myself, I believe in humaneness, I believe in truth, I believe in good in every person on this planet. Is it worth repeating so many times how valuable this word is? “According to your faith let it be done to you” – by these words of Jesus any phenomenon can be explained. If I do not believe that God exists then I persist in disregarding how He acts. But it doesn’t absolutely mean that He doesn’t believe in me. Are you ready to let the astounding changes enter your life by believing in them?

          Tetiana Trachuk



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        • 10 порад для щасливого подружнього життя
        • Prayer. No harm with good intentions
        • The Language of Sexuality That Does Not Tolerate Vulgarism
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