‘O, woman, how beautiful you are …’ How little one needs to be happy!

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        • ‘O, woman, how beautiful you are …’ How little one needs to be happy!

          On that day the sky was sad. It frowned and was crying through clouds. Tears were running down the grey face in small drops. People, in spite of those tears, were, as usual, in a hurry. Some were keeping umbrellas in their hands, some were hiding under a bag or a package to protect themselves. The sky was looking at all this fuss and crying even more heavily. Crying since no one would rejoice for the rain, just in the open air, catching the drops and jumping in the pools.

          Читай українською: «Жінко, Ви красиві…» Як мало потрібно для щастя!

          A stop. There is a woman waiting for her bus. It is raining cats and dogs. And to her reasonable happiness the wind has torn the umbrella from her hands and teases her more and more. No bus is coming, the scheduled time is already behind, and the way ahead is a long one. The grey sky evokes grey thoughts. It looks as if tears are about to run down her face. That is a stop. A stop for an indefinite period. To wait or to go back? Different ideas, different options.

          The wind with the rain is already so irritating that one cannot stand it any longer. Half-turn – and the first steps to the pedestrian crossing. Through the noise of the rain and wind blasts: ‘O, woman, you are beautiful’. She did not pay attention. Since no one knows her here, the words are not meant for her. And one more step – and the words, breaking through the rain wall, come to be heard even louder: ‘Do you hear? You are beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful woman’. She turns back. An unknown man is smiling at her. A stranger, but it eased her mind, the sun appeared from the clouds. Simple words seem to have stopped her and make her smile. ‘Thank you. Let God give you good health …’.

          All of a sudden, somewhere out of thin air, there came a bus. The door opened close to the woman shining with joy in spite of the sky’s tears. She got on with a smile, said a merry ‘hello’ to the driver and went on in good mood.

          The words still resound in her mind: ‘O, woman, you are beautiful …’. How little one needs to be happy!

          By Roman Bobesyuk

          Photo: vidpoviday


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