Ten Morning Step Prayers

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        • Ten Morning Step Prayers

          Sometimes we lack the feeling of “peculiarities” of each new day in daily routine. In order not to meet the mornings with a grimace “waiting” for thousands of problems, we offer you this short prayer.

          Step 1: God, I stand on my feet and thank You for this, because thousands of people do not have such luxury – waking up to get up on their feet. So if You have given me so much – then You have plans for me. Help me to be ready for them!

          Step 2: If today my legs want to take me from Your ways – make my heart sensitive for Your Love and calm down my passions.

          Step 3: Once upon a time, our ancestors were passing thousands of kilometers to the holy places to give You honor. Lead me today to pray to the nearest church.

          Step 5: Jesus, you went many roads on earth to do the will of Your Father. Help me not to forget that every my step should be similar to Your one.

          Step 6: God, do not forget about Those who once taught me to walk and watch my first step.

          Step 7: God, let my dearest people be with me when I do my last steps.

          Step 8: Every moment, God, remind me that we have only a limited number of steps on this earth. We have to do so much during short period of time.

          Step 9: And let me take care of my health, because it is Your gift.

          Step 10: And I ask you, God, when you see that it is not possible for me to walk on my foot, take me into Your hands, because my strength is in You.

          Author: Tetyana Trachuk




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