Intrauterine device: a safe method or a tool of death?

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        Intrauterine device: a safe method or a tool of death?

        In medical prescriptions for so-called contraception, intrauterine device (IUD), you can read how it affects the female body.

        Here, for example, the principle of the action of one intrauterine hormonal IUD is described:

        • the cervical mucus thickens to prevent sperm from reaching it
        • in many women it suppresses ovulation
        • levonorgestrel inhibits the development of the uterus, it thins, which prevents fertilizing egg.

        But if we understand, everything that is written is not really so, and if women knew the whole truth, they would hardly ever use this method. “DyvenSvit” was interested in details in a conversation with Father Dr. Igor Boyko, head of the School of Bioethics of the Ukrainian Catholic University, Rector of the Holy Spirit’s Lviv Seminary, Corresponding Member of the Pontifical Academy of Pro Vita.

        Firstly, the Church bases its education on the data that we receive from medicine, embryology, genetics, biology and other sciences.

        Let’s understand how an intrauterine device works. First of all, the IUD is not able to suppress ovulation in the female body. That is, if there are periods in a woman, there is an ovulation, so, this ovulation occurs even when there is an IUD.

        Secondly, when there is a sexual intercourse between male and female, and the sperm enter the uterine cavity, the presence of the IUD in any way cannot affect the fact that spermatozoa completely lose their mobility, become unable to move on fallopian tubes or lose their capacity to capacitation or acrosomal reaction. So, all these processes occur naturally, and when it comes to the moment that the sperm, passing through the walls of the endometrium, where there is an IUD, fall into the fallopian tubes, and there ovulation has already happened and there is an egg, then the conception of the child takes place. Because the sperm is combined with the egg, and a new human body is created, and we cannot deny that.


        This new human body, which has 46 chromosomes, has its own inherited gender and all other characteristics from father and mother, who create it unique genetic heredity. So it begins to divide and travel along fallopian tubes. On the fourth – seventh day of its life, this zygote (this is the first cell – 1-2 days of life), let’s call it morula (it has 16 cells – 4-5 days of life), or the blastocyst – it comes to the walls of the uterus, where it wants to implant, attach.

        At that moment, the child is writing his first SMS in life to his mother: “Mom, I’m here, I already have 100 cells. I thought I would be independent all my life but I see that this is not so, I can’t. I thought I was such a hero, but I’m not a hero in reality, so take me if you can. “

        Accordingly, the mother is writing the answer: “Listen, I’m very happy to know that I’m pregnant, that I have you, and I ask you to implant. I give you the opportunity to attach, here’s the umbilical cord with the help of which you will be united with me, and I’m very glad I’m your mother.

        When there is an IUD, unfortunately, it makes it impossible. Because the IUD does not allow this embryo on the seventh-fourteenth day of its life to be implanted in the wall of the uterus. That is, it does not allow to be attached, further development of the umbilical cord, and the further development of this child in the womb.

        In fact, the IUD makes the walls of the endometrium (uterus) unsuitable – they become hard, without nutrients. This child cannot be implanted and simply die from hunger and goes out at the next menstruation.

        Someone can deny that there are intrauterine devices that additionally have a contraceptive effect. So, both copper and hormonal IUDs can affect the mobility or penetration of sperm, but they cannot completely block them, so fertilization still happens with high probability, and then the IUD begins to act as an abortive device.

        So, let’s return to the description of the action of one intrauterine hormonal device, which we have submitted above:

        • the cervical mucus thickens to prevent sperm from reaching it

        But we do not have any guarantee that they will not penetrate! Because there are indicators that cannot be predicted. The sperm of one man has a high level of active sperm and the contraceptive effect of the IUD will not work, while in another – it can give a high effect. Also, the peculiarities of microflora, diseases, endometrium, and hormonal levels in women vary, which gives a different response to a steady dose of hormones or copper in the IUD. So the IUD does not absolutely give 100% of the protection against fertilization, and if it has already happened – it has already abortive character.

        • in many women it suppresses ovulation

        Even if it is a hormonal IUD, the dose of the hormones is not enough to infuse ovulation.

        • levonorgestrel inhibits the development of the uterus, it thins, which prevents fertilizing egg.

        From the wording of this sentence, you can clearly see that it is said about an abortive effect, as this hormone prevents the implantation of the child (at its embryonic stage of development), which is called here as a “fertile egg”.


        And in conclusion: the intrauterine device often causes frequent inflammatory processes, can cause cancer (cervical cancer), can be the cause of ectopic pregnancies. Copper IUDs often provoke copper intoxication, increase bleeding and pain during the period. As for hormonal IUDs, the hormone levonorgestrel reduces the risk of endometrial malignancies, but significantly increases the risk of developing breast cancer.


        And this is not just “the position of the Church,” it’s the position of doctors who say honestly how in fact intrauterine device works in the body of a woman.


        The text was written by Marta Zozulia and Liza Dotsenko.










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